Three Sisters Soup

During Lent we are encouraged to fast from meat on Fridays. For some of us that is quite the challenge, for others, it is easy to fit some vegetarian meals into the dinner rotation. Regardless of where you fit, I think we can all agree that it is fun to try out new recipes from time to time. Fortunately one of our (still) available Lenten Guide Books agrees. On page 34 of “Together in his Footsteps” you will find the recipe for Three Sisters Soup.


According to the book the recipe is based on what some Native Americans called “the three sisters”: corn, squash, and beans. “At one time, they would plant in a mound of dirt a corn kernel, and a bean and a squash seed. The corn served as a pole for the bean vine to climb; the giant squash leaves kept weeds at bay”. It is amazing how very different things in nature can work together to support one another. This is a message that can easily be applied to us. Support your friends, family, and even strangers, and they will support you back.

recipeI tried out this recipe and have to say, it is absolutely delicious. I followed the recipe exactly, except for four variations:

  1. I used a red pepper instead of a green
  2. I used two stocks of celery
  3. I added small amounts of ginger and cinnamon
  4. I blended the final product in a food processor to create more of a creamy texture.

Here are a few photos of the cooking process. You can see all the healthy ingredients that go into this soup. In my house, we aren’t big fans of vegetables in their natural form so being able to blend them up really makes this soup a winner for us. I bet families with picky kids may feel the same way.

in process
Everything chopped and cooking. This was right before the brother was added
after food processor
After a round in the food processor. The beans create the creamy texture so you do not need to add any cream, yogurt, etc. It is not perfectly smooth, but still very good.
finished soup
Finished product. Delicious!

Verdict on this recipe? Heaven sent!

Give this recipe a try and please feel free to pass it along to others.

If you haven’t picked up a Lenten Guide Book yet, you are strongly encouraged to do so. The books will help to walk you through this season and may even surprise you with things like recipes and activities.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Bev says:

    I love squash soup at Panera so will have to give this a try.


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